February 29, 2012

30 Days of Hunger Games-Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of the Hunger Games!

Can you believe it?? Just a little bit less then 24 days till the release of the movie! Excited, huh?
Well let's make this even more - if it's possible - exciting.

DAY 3 is a giveaway day!The prize will be one mockingjay pin, and yes this giveaway is international!

Oh! and if you comment on this post, the comment will count towards your extra entry into the reaping ball! Just be sure to state your name and what district you are from!  Today is the last day to enter yourself into the Hunger Games and to get those extra entries in!

The final 24..if there are 24..will be chosen tomorrow, so check back tomorrow to see if you made it to represent your district! Don't forget to enter in to win your choice of any HG book (it's under Day 3)!

Please visit the other blogs. Some of the blogs might do their own Hunger Games post for the 30 Days, so if you do comment on that, it will still count as an extra entry into the reaping ball! The last day to enter your name into the reaping ball is February 29, the day before the reaping!

World of Words (host)
1. Andie @ The Secret Sanctuary of Books
2. Alba @ BookPics
3. Daniele
4. TSK, TSK, What to read?
5. Crystal @ What r u reading?
6. Clarissa @ When C Babbles
7. Alishia @ Treasured Tales For Young Adults
8. Mel
9. Bonnie @ asidefromwriting
10. Brea
11. JeanBookNerd
12. Anjana @ Kindle And Me

Are you plannig to watch The Hunger Games in the cinema? If so, are You gonna watch it alone, with friends, family? 
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