February 16, 2012

ARC Review ~ Hell's Phoenix by Gracen Miller

Title: Hell's Phoenix
Author: Gracen Miller
Series: Road To Hell #2
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Hell’s become more than just a playground for the wicked… 
Going to Hell was supposed to save Madison, but knowing she’s dead because of his failure leaves Nix with only one thing to live for. Revenge. With Micah’s help he learns to use his Messianic power. Anything for Mads has become his mantra, even if it means killing innocents to gather the power he needs to succeed. A tsunami he unleashes on a Gulf Coast city is stopped with magical interference, and Nix is more than surprised to feel Madison in the opposing magic. Can he and Micah set a trap to lure her out?

Pandora’s Box…once you open it, there’s no turning back!
Madison has done the unthinkable, opened Pandora’s Box to save Nix from Hell. And failed. She’s willing to risk her own life to rescue Nix, but she worries about the welfare of her accomplice in the mission and leaving her son behind. Following up on a lead, she’s ambushed by Nix and Micah. Shocked and hurt to discover Nix has become a willing participant of Hell, she’s more certain than ever she won’t escape the demonic fate her husband outlined for her. While in Hell, she discovers denying the emergence of her succubus is futile, which means getting Nix out of Hell after embracing her inner demon just became a very real dilemma…

Publish Date: February 17th 2012 

AVAILABLE NOW: Amazon Kindle

ARC review!

I'm pretty sure I have a Lynx (A unique and very powerful breed of succubus) living inside me and it's desperately craving for the third book. Actually, it's demanding it, and I'm not sure I'm able to hold it back... Hell! What the heck I'm sayin'?? It's already took control over me and I'm suffering withdrawal.

Hell's Phoenix is the second instalment of the Road To Hell series. I LOVED the prequel and the first book, but THIS was EPIC! Maybe I should duplicate my FIVE STARS rating, because if any book deservers TEN stars, then it's sure as hell this one does. We have the chance to dig deeper into the RTH world this time. So deep, that we reached Hell... literally. Madison intended to save Nix from Hell, had a good plan - okay, maybe not THAT good, but it was a plan after all -, and nothing goes as she planned. But at least she managed to get into her husband's, Micah's realm to fulfil her quest.

The description of Hell was CREEPY but awesome. I'm sure I wouldn't go there willingly if there wasn't a Micah... This book contains several breathtaking scenes, maybe sometimes you will even cry -I almost did and I never cry!!- And good news for adrenaline junkies, there is absolutely no lack of action in this book.

Some of the characters changed A LOT! Starting with our cheeky, a little bit arrogant and irresistible (well I Can resist him, thanks to Micah!) hero, Phoenix Birmingham. In fact, every word is still true about him, except the HERO part. Revenge. That is what turns him to the Dark side. And then there's Micah... oh my Love! I'm not sure he actually changed, but we get to see a new side (I always knew he has a sweet side too - OMG did I just say THAT?? Hope he didn't hear it...) of him. However, don't expect a 180 degree turn from him. He is still the big misunderstood player like he was before, but you might will get to love him a bit more now. Madison. What could I say about her? She's still awesome and strong and some choices she makes show exactly how strong really she is. Zen, Oh Zenny. He has definitely changed too. The question is, will he be capable of take Madison down when it's truly necessarily- just as easily as he says? Alessa is FUN to read. Nix's Lucky is a hilarious but smart character, I just love her. There's a bunch of new, interesting characters, like the Kings of Hell or Madison's new allies, who are quite bad-asses if you ask me.

oh and there was a line where I was an emotional crap... "To Be Continued…." NOOOOOOO!!!! WANT.IT.NOW.

OVERALL: This is an Epic sequel in an amazing series from a really talented and naughty author. Thrilling, heartbreaking and sometimes funny. Featured with some of the most realistic and well-built characters I have ever read. Hell's Phoenix is absolutely a one-way ticket to the RTH world. Once you got in, you will not want to get out.

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