December 19, 2012

2013 TBR PILE Reading Challenge


We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us.. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up...

Join us on a quest to dust off your TBR Pile and read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time you'll get a chance.. This is your chance! And there are PRIZES!!! :D

Yes, another Reading challenge. I don't really know why I keep trying to complete these, becaue I always fail... miserably. Anyway, thanks to 
 and a bunch of other blogs, this time it'll be actually fun to do this. Or at least try tod do it. 

You can find all the info you need to know HERE

And here's what I'm planning to include in my challenge:
(I'll probably add a few here and there, but these are my FINALLY-MUST-READS)
  1. Ilona Andrews - Magic Bites (Kate Daniels #1)
  2. Sherrilyn Kenyon - Infinity (Chronicles of Nick #1)
  3. Sherrilyn Kenyon - Acheron (Dark-Hunter #12)
  4. Sherrilyn Kenyon & Dianna Love - Blood Trinity (Belador #1)
  5. Rachel Caine - Ill Wind (Weather Warden #1)
  6. Jenna Black - Dark Descendant (Nikki Glass #1) by 
  7. Jennifer Estep - Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin #1) 
  8. Carolyn Crane - Mind Games (The Disillusionists Trilogy #1)
  9. Jaye Wells - Red-Headed Stepchild (Sabina Kane #1)
  10. Dan Wells - Partials
  11. Ann Aguirre - Enclave (Razorland #1)
  12. Marie Lu - Legend
  13. Patricia Briggs - Moon Called (Mercedes Thompson #1)
  14. Kelly Gay  - The Better Part of Darkness (Charlie Madigan #1)
  15. Karen Chance - Midnight's Daughter (Dorina Basarab #1) 
  16. Felicity E. Heaton - Heart of Darkness
  17. Veronica Roth - Divergent
Ilona Andrews: Magic BitesSherrilyn Kenyon: InfinitySherrilyn Kenyon: AcheronSherrilyn Kenyon – Dianna Love: Blood TrinityRachel Caine: Ill WindJenna Black: Dark DescendantJennifer Estep: Spider's BiteCarolyn Crane: Mind GamesJaye Wells: Red-Headed StepchildDan Wells: PartialsAnn Aguirre: EnclaveMarie Lu: LegendPatricia Briggs: Moon CalledKaren Chance: Midnight's DaughterFelicity Heaton: Heart of DarknessVeronica Roth: Divergent

Let the Challenge Begin!

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