June 25, 2012

OperationInferno: Vote for Micah and Win!

So I'm a massive fan of The Road To Hell series by the awesome Gracen Miller.

If you haven't read her books yet and you're fan of this genre, then this is a MUST READ to you! Seriously,

Anyway back to the main point of this post. 

Gracen is having an awesome contest on her site. You can win a Signed print of Madison's Life Lessons (the prequel of Pandora's Box) and lots of goodies!! Follow the rules (Read them CAREFULLY!!) and Vote for MICAH and tell Gracen I sent you. You don't need to have read the book(s) to vote.

Why would you vote for this Micah guy, you may ask? I tell you why...

Because he's a F*cking King of Hell, so you'd better be on his good side!! If that wouldn't be enough to convince you, then catch this... 

He is a Fallen Angel, the sexiest demon in the universe and in the other whoeverknowshowmany, he truly loves his wife and son and he is misunderstood! Yes, so show him some love, he deserves it too! Plus, he looks like Chris Hemsworth (well, we would cast him as Micah if there would be a movie). 

Now, let's take a look at the series...

You can find my reviews HERE

Remember, vote for MICAH! Not Nix or Nixah... but M.I.C.A.H.

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